Content table


Web Development Fundamentals

1 How websites work and how HTML, CSS and JavaScript contribute
2 Understand how the internet works
3 Start coding with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
4 Learn and understand git, GitHub and version control
5 Use the Unix command line to become a power user and write bash commands
6 Learn key troubleshooting and debugging skills to apply to your projects


7 Learn the anatomy of HTML syntax to structure your websites
8 Understand the HTML boilerplate and HTML doctypes
9 How to structure text in HTML
10 How to structure HTML lists to create unordered and ordered lists
11 How to insert images using HTML
12 How to create hyperlinks using anchor tags
13 Understand how to use HTML tables for content
14 How to use tables for layout
15 Learn HTML best practices
16 Understand about HTML forms and create a simple Contact Me form
17 HTML divs and how to separate content for CSS styling


18 Understand what are cascading style sheets and how you can use it to style your website
19 How to use CSS selectors and properties
20 Learn about how to use inline, internal and external CSS
21 Understand CSS coding best practices
22 Learn about CSS sizing methods
23 Learn the anatomy of CSS syntax and structure
24 CSS specificity and implementing style hierarchy
25 Class vs id and how to target each
26 CSS display and how to implement layout
27 How to use CSS static, relative and absolute positioning systems
28 Font styling using CSS and web safe fonts
29 Centering elements using CSS
30 Website design fundamentals and typography
31 How to use CSS float and clear
32 How combine CSS selectors and understand selector priority

Bootstrap 4

33 Learn the fundamentals of implementing responsive web design
34 How to use Balsamiq to mockup and wireframe websites
35 The fundamentals of UI design for websites
36 How to install the Bootstrap framework
37 Understanding the Bootstrap grid layout system
38 How to use bootstrap containers to layout your website easily
39 Learn to use other Bootstrap components such as buttons
40 Adding symbols using Font Awesome
41 Learn to use Bootstrap carousels
42 Add Bootstrap cards to your website
43 Using Bootstrap navigation bars

JavaScript ES6

44 The fundamentals of code
45 Starting code with alerts and prompts
46 Understand variables and data types in JavaScript
47 Variable naming in JS
48 Working with strings and numbers
49 Randomisation and logical operators
50 Loops, collections and Conditionals
51 Functions and invocation patterns
52 Discussion of ECMAScripts
53 Intermediate JavaScript
54 Learn to use JS Expressions, Operators, Statements and Declarations
55 Object-Oriented Programming
56 JS Objects and Prototypes
57 `This`, Scope and Closures
58 Objects and Prototypes
59 Refactoring and Debugging

Document Object Model (DOM)

60 Learn the tree structure of HTML based websites
61 Traverse through the document using object notation
62 Separation of concerns and coding best practices
63 Manipulate and change the HTML elements using your understanding of the DOM


64 Installing and using the jQuery framework
65 Learning about jQuery functionality
66 Introduction to functions in jQuery
67 Manipulating text, styles and attributes with jQuery
69 Create animations and customisations with jQuery
70 Use your jQuery knowledge to make your website interactive
71 Responding to user initiated events with jQuery

The Unix Command Line

72 How to use basic bash commands in a Unix/Linux Terminal
73 How to manipulate files and folders without needing a graphical user interface
74 How to download and install to your computer using command line

Git, Github and Version Control

75 Using git for version control and collaboration
76 Git forking, branching and cloning
77 Using GitHub as a remote repository
78 Checkout and rolling back changes with git
79 Using git and GitHub with Xcode


80 Explore the components of back-end development, working with an MVC framework
81 Apply concepts like data types, objects, methods, object-oriented programming, and classes in the context of backend development
82 Server-side JavaScript
83 Using Node on the command line
84 NPM
85 JavaScript Build Processes
86 Event Loop and Emitters
87 File System Interaction
88 Modules
89 Native Node drivers


90 Understand how to install and use express in Node applications
91 Creating Node and Express based servers
92 RESTful routing with Express
93 Understand and use middleware for Node applications

Application Programming Interface (APIs)

94 Understand what APIs are and how they work
95 HTTP in Depth
96 Calling APIs
97 Reading API documentation
98 Basic API Authentication
99 Server to server communication
100 JSON vs XML, sending data over the wire


101 Understand what EJS does and how to use it with Node and Express
102 Templating with EJS
103 Running code in EJS templates
104 Passing data from server to template and vice versa
105 Creating layouts/partials with EJS

Database Fundamantals

106 Data Relationships
107 Designing a Data Model
108 Relational Databases
109 Alternative Databases
110 Entity Relationship Modelling (ERM) and Object Relational Mapping (ORM)

SQL Databases

111 Working with Database Schemas
112 Create-Read-Update-Destroy (CRUD)
113 Database Joins
114 Querying SQL databases

NoSQL Database with MongoDB and Mongoose

115 Serialization
116 How to model NoSQL data
117 Document Databases (MongoDB)
118 Create-Read-Update-Destroy (CRUD)
119 NoSQL Best Practices
120 Mongo Shell and command line use
121 Installing MongoDB
122 Mapping relationships with MongoDB
123 Using an object-data modelling library (Mongoose) to work easily with your data


124 Understand hosting and deployment
125 Hosting static websites with GitHub Pages
126 Deploying server based applications with Heroku
127 Deploying Databases with Mongo Atlas

Building RESTful APIs

128 Understand REST and guiding principles behind API design
129 Learn to work with a MongoDB GUI Robo 3T
130 Implementing GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE by creating a public API from scratch
131 Understand and use chained route handlers from Express

Authentication and Security

132 Understand the need for authentication and keeping user details secure
133 Learn about encryption and use encryption to keep your database secure
134 Learn and implement Hashing and Salting with bcrypt
135 Using Sessions and Cookies to persist user log in sessions
136 Setting up local authentication from scratch
137 Implementing Passport to authenticate users quickly and effectively
138 Understand and use environment variables to keep secret keys secure
139 Understand and use OAuth 2.0 to log in users using Google and Facebook


140 Front-end development with React
141 Understand when and how to use React Components
142 Pass Props and work with them
143 Write JSX and understand JSX syntax
144 The React DOM
145 State Management in React
146 Learn about React Hooks
147 Conditional rendering in React
148 Understand the difference between class and functional components

JavaScript ES6

149 Arrow Functions
150 Map / Filter / Reduce
151 Find / FindOne / FindIndex
152 Import / Export and Modules
153 Object and Array Destructuring
154 Spread Operator